Nurture Corporate Wellness at the Evian Resort

Nurture corporate wellness at the Evian Resort
The Evian Resort brings you a programme dedicated to corporate wellness that takes you back to basics and reconnects you with what really matters.
The aim of this programme is to help your team achieve “lasting wellness” with regards to information and stress management at both an individual and collective level.
Awareness of the culture of wellness involves both group experiences in an idyllic setting as well as personalised sessions based on your needs and expectations. Using a range of exercises during a programme lasting a few hours to an entire week immersed in nature, the following themes will be addressed:
A better understanding of corporate information management.
Accompanied by an expert in the field, participants take part in various exercises to increase awareness of best practices in agile communication, risk prevention related to the excessive use of information technology and the risks of information overload.
Influencing stress levels through improved connection to yourself and to others:
Walks in the forest, show-shoe walks, yoga, a wide range of spa treatments, forest therapy (a revitalisation practice in contact with trees that provides physical relaxation, reduces stress and offers an overall feeling of well-being).
Realisation of the importance of being well-hydrated and its benefits to cognitive ability:
good hydration is directly linked to our ability to concentrate and helps fight fatigue.
What results can participants expect to see?
Improved ability to manage information and information tools, as well as a feeling of personal and collective wellness. Your staff will head home with new perspectives and will be more efficient.
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